Saturday, January 28, 2012

Contraband - Evan's Take

I said last week that I was going to get back into writing movie reviews and then proceeded to almost forget about writing one for Contraband this week.

Well all you Mindless Movie Marathoners out there...(*crickets*)...FEAR NOT! Here is my Contraband all of its short glory!

The most likely reason that I didn't think about writing a Contraband review is that it is not a very memorable movie. Benjy and I were afraid that there would be more thriller than action and as it turns out that was exactly the case. There is an excellent action scene at the halfway point in the movie but they did the dirty trick of putting most of this in the trailer. So it suckered us into the theater and we had to watch all this "acting" and "plot development"...ugh.

Actually, the acting is pretty good in this movie, probably because of the great cast which includes Mark Whalberg, Kate Beckinsale, Giovani Ribisi and Ben Foster. I kinda feel bad for Ben Foster at this point. I think he is a really good actor but I think he plays the same character in every movie (For those of you who have seen recent Ben Foster movies...then I apologize for the spolier). Whalberg is good, Ribisi has a really strange high pitched voice and Beckinsale plays the doting wife who trusts Marky Mark completely.

Overall, I got some good vibes from this movie but I would have rather see more of a wildside from the actors and the directors. I don't think anyone left the theater saying "I need my money back" but I think if you are going to spend money to go to the theater, you gotta believe that you're gonna have a good time. And this movie just doesn't quite deliver.

Enjoy the trip back to 1993 everyone!

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