Sunday, June 20, 2010

The Preview Game

I like going to see movies with friends for a few reasons. I can occasionally mock the movie (while in the theatre) and not get shushed, I can catch up with the people I came with before the movie, I can discuss it afterwards. And we can play the Preview Game. The preview game is fairly simple. Whoever says the name of the preview first, wins. It doesn't have to be exact, except in the case of ties. For instance, if you saw a preview for the next Harry Potter, you could just say "Harry Potter" and win, unless someone else said it at the same time (or was just being a jerk). So this past week was a tie (very embarrassing for me - I'm usually much better) because Evan got Predators by a half-second and one other one. I forget which. But that's alright, because I pitched a shutout the week before, including an epic call after one second of preview (the studio logo hadn't faded yet). Of course, by the end of the summer it'll probably be a dead heat, since we'll have seen most of them three or four times. Sometimes it's not very fair (I only got Resident Evil because I had read about them making another one the day before). But that's alright. It's all good fun. so next time you go to a movie, play the preview game. But not against me. I'll win. Seriously. Don't even try it.

1 comment:

  1. The blog lives! That was fast! Nice alliteration in the title, by the way :)
