Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Dark Knight Rises

Due to completely foreseen circumstances, we had to wait a week to see The Dark Knight Rises. Not that it mattered much to the people in the theatre. It was as packed as a week ago (you know, presuming that I know the population of things like that off the top of my head, without having been there or anything).

This is going to be a tough review to write, because I don't want to spoil anything. I can't write about any allies, or any villains, or any internet theories, or anything. I can't talk about why I liked it better than The Dark Knight. I can't even talk about what the critics said, because rebutting them would potentially spoil the movie. So instead, I'm going to talk about music.

I liked the music. It's pretty good. Some critics say it's too percussive, but what do you expect? Hans Zimmer did the score. My only gripe with the music is that it doesn't really have an instantly recognizable theme. Not like Pirates of the Caribbean, or Indiana Jones, or James Bond. For a trilogy this epic, I think there should have been an overriding musical theme to it. I'd nominate this tune, but it's already taken. So instead, I vote for the following.

So this is definitely a theatre movie, because it's really good, but I can't tell you why. Yet. And the music's good (wow, there are so many things I can't talk about I feel like I'm in the CIA. Should I go back and add in a whole bunch of redacted to it? Nah).

1 comment:

  1. I like The Dark Knight more, various things in the final 30 minutes or so of the movie just seemed too contrived. But that's just nitpicking, it's like saying "I like a Ferrari more than a Lamborghini". Both movies are excellent.
